Bus from Eindhoven Airport to Amsterdam Centre
Eindhoven Airport bus is a cheap shuttle bus that connects Eindhoven Airport with Amsterdam centre. With 11 journeys a day, the shuttle bus is a fast and convenient way to get to Amsterdam. Eindhoven Airport is the transport hub for low cost airlines. As the Airport is relatively small, check-in and safety procedures are fast.

Eindhoven Airport Bus a Shuttle Bus to Amsterdam
Eindhoven Airport bus is a shuttle bus that connects Eindhoven Airport with Amsterdam centre. Amsterdam is about 100 to the north-west of Eindhoven. The journey time is 1 hour 45 minutes with an intermediate stop at Utrecht.
Train to Amsterdam
Eindhoven train station is ten kilometres from Eindhoven Airport. Bus #401 takes you in twenty minutes from the Airport to Eindhoven Train Station. The train journey from Eindhoven to Amsterdam is 1 hour 45 minutes.
Train versus Eindhoven Airport Bus
The shuttle bus is your best option. Not only is it faster (1h 45 min) than the train (20 minutes bus, waiting time station, journey time amsterdam 1h 45 minutes = over 2 hours), the shuttle bus is also cheaper than bus ticket + train ticket. Besides, buying a train ticket in the Netherlands is not as straightforward as you would think.
Photo credit Marianne Crone