Keukenhof Flower Garden
When the Keukenhof Flower Garden and the fields in the province of North Holland are ablaze with millions and millions of tulips, coach loads pour out of Amsterdam. Tourists and locals alike want to catch the kaleiscope of colours at the Flower Gardens.
Why Go Keukenhof
Keukenhof Flower Garden is an easy day-trip from Amsterdam. It is the world’s largest spring flower garden. Tulips are, of course, the stars, but not the only flowers on display. The Garden is ablaze with the hues of millions of bulb flowers, crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and many more. Gardeners and photographers will find the Flower garden irresistible. There is no doubt about it this garden is one of the most photographed places in the world. When you arrive, you will know why – tapestries of red, purple, mauve and white tulips wherever you look.

Festival of Spring Flowers
Horticulturists and gardeners work miracles. In autumn, they plant by hand 90,000 tulips, 130 varieties of daffodils and numerous hyacinths, lilies and crocuses. A new round blooming behind the old one ensures flowers everywhere at all times. The result is a dazzling display of colour and fragrance. Early in the season, you will see the crocuses followed by hyacinths and daffodils. The grand finale is tulips in all their glorious colours.
History of the Keukenhof Flower Garden
Keukenhof translates as ‘kitchen garden’ and that’s what fifteenth-century countess Jacoba van Beieren did with this plot of land. She grew herbs and vegetables for her dining table. In 1949, a group of bulb growers took over the land and used it to showcase their bulb industry. The Keukenhof expanded over the years and an ever-increasing number of bulbs is on show each year for eight weeks.
Best Time to Visit Keukenhof Flower Garden
The best time to visit the Keukenhof is difficult to predict because the blooming of the flowers depends on the weather. Generally speaking, mid to late April is best when hyacinths, daffodils and tulips all flower at once. The gardens keep you occupied for hours. Make sure you visit the greenhouses, climb the narrow stairs of the windmill and eat your picnic while listening to the splashing of the fountains in the ponds.
Amsterdam-Now hot tip:
Avoid the queue and buy your Keukenhof tickets online. Besides entry to the Keukenhof Flower Garden you will also visit a bulb farm and learn all about the bulb industry. On your way to the Keukenhof you will go past acres of fields full blooming tulips – strips of blue, yellow and red as far as the eye reaches, a truly spectacular view!
Keukenhof Flower Garden, Stationsweg 166a, 2161 AM Lisse
Lisse is a town halfway between Leiden and Haarlem.
Opening Times vary every year but always between the middle of March and the middle of May.
photo Marianne Crone