Museum or Church? - Amsterdam Now

Museum or Church?

The Nieuwe Kerk, New Church, in Amsterdam is not new at all, but a 15th century Gothic structure with a forest of pinnacles and slender gables. Its gaping interior is one huge exposition area with rotating exhibitions. On first sight it is not obvious that this is a church, no pews and no altars. On closer inspection you will find some ecclesiastical reminders; pointed stained-glass windows and tomb stones on the floors. When exhibitions are on, these are often covered up.

Church or Museum?

The Church furniture in this Museum Church in Amsterdam is clearly visible. The great organ surrounded by fluttering cherubs bursts into melody when the organist plays it during concerts. The pulpit is no longer in active use. Get a bit closer and admire the tiny wooden angels that slide down a rope. Now, look upwards. Can you see the winged children bearing the weight of the ceiling? The Nieuwe Kerk features rotating arts and history exhibitions.

Mausoleum Michiel de Ruyter

A marble mausoleum with trumpeting angels and conch-blowing Neptunes honour Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter who was killed in a sea battle against the French in 1676. His mortal remains are in the crypt was laid to rest.


Nieuwe Kerk and the Royals

Coveniently situated next to the Royal Palace, the Nieuwe Kerk is the venue for coronations and royal weddings. William I was the first monarch to be crowned in this church in 1815 and the last was King Willem-Alexander in 2013.



Nieuwe Kerk

Dam Square


Opening hours: Daily 10.00-18.00

photo Marianne Crone

New Church

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