Shopping Hours of Stores and When and Where to Shop in Amsterdam
Shopping Hours of stores in Amsterdam are very generous. Therefore Amsterdam is the ideal place to spend hours shopping, browsing or simply window-shopping. Opening hours of stores in the city centre are 7 days a week, but may vary on public holidays. Popular shopping streets are Kalverstraat, Haarlemmerdijk, Haarlemmerstraat, 9 Little Street, P.C Hooftstraat and Warmoesstraat.
All shops in Amsterdam are allowed to be open from 06.00-22.00 and on Good Friday, 4 May (commemoration of war victims) and 24 December (Christmas Eve) until 19.00. However, not a single shop in Amsterdam is open from six in the morning until ten at night. Opening hours vary per shop and neighbourhood. The Shops in Amsterdam centre have longer opening hours than those in the suburbs.

Shopping Hours in the Centre of Amsterdam
Shopping hours in popular streets such as Kalverstraat, 9 Little Street, Leidsestraat, Haarlemmerstraat, PC Hooftstraat and Nieuwendijk are from Monday to Saturday. Many but not all shops in these streets are also open on Sunday.
Opening Hours Shops
Monday: 11.00-18.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 10.00-18.00
Thursday (late-night shopping): 10.00-21.00
Sunday: 12.00-18.00
Opening Hours Supermarkets
Supermarkten in het centrum van Amsterdam zijn zeven dagen per week open.
Albert Heijn, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 226, 08.00-22.00
Dirk van den Broek, Warmoesstraat 157, 09.30-21.30
Lidl, Tweede Helmersstraat 29, 08.00-20.00, Sunday 10.-20.00

Shopping Hours on Public Holidays
Shopping hours on public holidays are limited. Shops in the city centre open later and close earlier than the rest of the year. Shops outside the centre are often closed all day.
Public Holidays when Shops are Closed
1 January – New Year’s Day
Easter Sunday and Easter Monday (moveable feasts)
27 April – King’s Day
Ascension Day (moveable feast)
25 and 26 December – Christmas
photos Marianne Crone