Antonia Pantoffels for Slippers and Pantofles
Antonia in Amsterdam is unique as it is the only shop in the Netherlands that sells exclusively slippers and pantofles. Only slippers is a bit one-sided, therefore also other footwea rlike rubber boots and clogs. A gap in the market because slippers and pantofles are comfortable and keep your feet warm and almost everyone has one or more pairs in the wardrobe or under the bed.

Antonia the only all-slipper shop in the Netherlands
Antonia can rightfully call itself the only slipper shop in the Netherlands, but only in winter. In the cold months of the year, the store is full of nice warm or extra beautiful slippers; from very small baby booties to men’s shoe size 50. In the summer, slippers, water shoes, rubber boots and sandals are added to the collection.
Shoes off, Slippers on
In many countries it is customary to take off your shoes and put on slippers when entering a house. The Swedes do it and so do the Czechs. In almost every Czech house hangs a large size slipper next to the front door containing individual slippers for friends and acquaintances who come to visit.
Wearing slippers indoors has several reasons: hard shoes and high heels can ruin the carpet, shoes are dirty even after you have wiped your feet, walking without shoes is healthy for the feet and walking in slippers reduces the risk of flat feet. In many developing countries, people walk barefoot indoors. That makes sense because there is dust and mud everywhere in the rainy season, because often the streets are unpaved.
Address: Antonia by Yvette, pantoffels & slippers, Gasthuismolensteeg 16, Amsterdam
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11.00-18.00, Sunday 12.00-18.00, Monday closed
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