Remnants of Medieval Amsterdam
Remnants of Medieval Amsterdam Amsterdam was founded in 1306, or to be more precise, this is the year in which (probably) city rights were granted (sources on the exact date vary). City rights gave privileges to a city. A city wall could be built, markets held, tolls...
Self-guided City Walk along Prinsengracht Amsterdam
Self-guided City Walk along Prinsengracht Amsterdam A self-guided walk along Prinsengracht in Amsterdam is an afternoon well spent. This canal is named after William of Orange, forefather of the Dutch Royal family. The canal is crisscrossed by shopping streets and...
Free GuruWalk City Walk Amsterdam
Free GuruWalk City Walk Amsterdam A city walk is one of the best ways to get to know Amsterdam. But when you start walking without a special plan or instructions, you not only get lost, but also miss many sights and attractions on the way. The solution is: join a...
Amsterdam for Cat Spotters and Cat Lovers
Amsterdam for Cat Spotters and Cat Lovers Amsterdam is truly a city where cats feel at home. There are more than 350,000 cats living in the city. Wherever you go, you will see cats everywhere. They sit on the quays along the canals, laze on benches or watch the world...