Diamonds are Forever
Diamonds are Forever If you want to find out if ‘diamonds are forever’, pop into the Diamond Museum in Amsterdam. No extra security is needed because all diamonds on display are replicas. Coster Diamonds is an Amsterdam diamond and trading company whose history goes...
Westerkerk and Anne Frank
Westerkerk and Anne Frank Westerkerk and Anne Frank are intrinsically connected. She mentions the chimes of Westerkerk in her diary entry of 11 July 1942. Westerkerk is a relatively young church as it was built between 1620 and 1631. Late 16th and early 17th century...
A Palace without Royals
A Palace without Royals Take the number of days in a year (365). Put one before and nine after it (1 365 9) and you will know how many wooden piles were rammed deep into the soggy soil of Amsterdam to prevent the Royal Palace at Dam Square from collapsing. Royal...
Where Anne Frank Wrote Her Diary
Where Anne Frank Wrote Her Diary The Anne Frank House is a museum that shows the Frank family’s wartime hiding place. You can walk through the rooms and see the place where a young Jewish girl wrote her diary. The Anne Frank House is very popular and visited by over a...